Grant Writing

If your 501c3 organization relies on any foundation or private funding, you probably have some grant proposals kicking around your office.

May I tell you a secret about grant proposals?

Quite frankly, most of them are lousy.

They're dry as toast, full of useless jargon, and don't get anyone excited about anything. They're not specific enough, they don't follow the funder's directions, and they don't have clear objectives.

Many factors decide what gets funded and what gets skipped, but a lackluster proposal certainly doesn't help.

The key to a proposal that grabs attention, and moves to the top of the pile? Storytelling.

I've helped to secure thousands of dollars in funding for nonprofits with innovative and engaging grant proposals and reports. I'm happy to help you with yours.

I work on:

  • Foundation grants
  • Corporate grants
  • Proposals
    • Project and Program
    • General Operating
  • Reports

Send me an email, and let's talk.

PS- Sorry, I don't do federal government grants, but you can sweet talk me into state and local.

PPS- Because I get this question fairly often: I don't write grants on a commission-basis, ie. you can't pay me out of the grant funding if you get it. The Association of Fundraising Professionals and the Grant Professionals Association both forbid this practice, and I caution everyone against doing it.